What an amazingly supportive group you all are! You've helped me more than you know. I've decide to just send a sympathy card, plain and simple, as so many of you suggested.
Myself, I agree that people forget a lot of things when they're grieving, but I personally can't understand forgetting a 1st cousin for 8 months! Oh, well...I'm not her.
Angel, I did write some pretty angry things that first night. But I think you're right, I'm not going to send them, because what's to be gained by it? I can't guilt her into caring.
Linnikay - hugs right back to you - ( )
Sherrine - such a painful story. I don't know if I could have forgiven that at all, since your families were so close and you even took care of this cousin. But I'm glad you could, for your sake.
Luvzminis - now that's really incredible! Your cousin must have had some huge grudge against his sister!! I really don't think I'd ever be able to forgive that one.
Mommakiki - wow, not the way we expect grandparents to act! My hat's off to you, for having come to terms with it. With them living 5 blocks away, especially, it's got to be tough. (In answer to your question, I did reach out to this cousin after she quit responding. I asked if I'd offended her in some way, and asked for copies of pictures she'd taken of us together while she was here - nothing. She is, though, the most giving one in her family: none of her siblings responded at all when my parents died - so I guess it's all relative, no pun intended!)
Robin, I LOVE that quote! So true - we do largely make our own path. That's one I'm going to repeat to myself daily.
Snowbunny - what an uplifting story! You forgave your dad and because of that, now you have a real relationship with him.