I guess I worried too much I had a big fibro attack/asthma and ended up having to rescheduele for next week. Leave it to me
One reason I was going was to learn more about the differences myself,but I'll try to explain the differences between welfare and SS to the best of my ability in the state Pa in the US.
Welfare dissability is something that is given to those whose doctors agree that they cannot work with the health problem they have,but with treatment it can get better so it is temporary and has to be refiled every 3-6 months depending on what the dr/welfare office thinks. This medical coverage is extremely good as long as you can find a doctor or a specialist who takes the welfare insurance you chose (there are a few diff packages) you can see them with very little or no cost. The insurance I use is Keystone Mercy through this program. They'll help me find a dr/specialist/anything within my coverage. It also includes perscriptions which are only one dollar. The welfare office itself will provide assistance with transporation to these appointments if the individual is unable to get there on thier own. This sort of care also provides a nurse hotline you can call 24 hours a day if you need help your doctor cannot provide and is completely useless because no matter what you ask they will tell you to go to a hospital. Welfare also provides dental coverage through these insurance packages they offer. It is at leat in my experience fiarly easy to get dissability through welfare. The wlefare office itself is horrible, smells like many bad things and most of the people who work there care more about roadkill than human beings. They won't answer their phones and your social worker will change at random leaving any numbers you had useless. The state I do feel puts great effort in someones health if they feel the person can get better however with SS that all changes...
SS is permanent dissability. With SS in my state you will no longer get dental coverage at all. The doctors you can see are extremely limited and often of extremely poor quality. Money is provided as well with SS depending on however much a souless pannel of random people who are all too used to seeing people attempting to abuse the system decide you deserve monthly. You can also get housing with SS through discounts,but are larely responcible for rent/utilities/bills with whatever moneys the souless pannel decides you are worth. It can take up to ten years on a list to get a place to stay. It is incredibly difficult to get SS, it requries a lawyer and much paperwork. It is often denied on the first attempt and can take up to a year before you get an answer. Most doctors won't touch the subject of SS either so it adds to the difficulty. A person can chose to leave SS if they feel they can work or thier situation changes and the same applies for Welfare.
Please note I am not the most experienced with SS I gather what I know about it mostly from a family member who is on it and watching him go through the process of getting it and some of my own research. I'm hoping to know more after next week.