Hi everyone! I'm new here. I've read Fibro 101 and many other sites over the past 2 years since I had my first major flare and received my FMS diagnosis. Pain used to be an issue. I had a deep ache in my back and leg. I've had a very few days of flu-like aches. That's it. My predominant symptoms are parasthesias with a left side dominance. My legs sometimes feel like they are sitting under a heat lamp. With this last flare (I'm in week 3) I have had tingling and reduced sensation along the left half of my body. I also have tingling and reduced sensation that crawls up my face and enters my mouth. I feel like I am wearing a full body weighted suit. I am often very weak. The intensity of the symptoms fluctuate throughout the day, but do not fully disappear. I'm wondering if anyone else has been diagnosed with FMS with pain being only a minor concern. I have many symptoms of FMS, but they could also be MS. All of my bloodwork is coming out normal except for a slightly elevated CRP. I've had nerve studies, MRIs, and CTs that are all normal. I have not had a spinal tap or EEG. I'm headed back to the neruologist this week but just wanted to see what others have to say.
As I'm typing this I'm realizing I'm not very coherant. I'm in a fog. Time for bed! I'll check back in the morning!