Admitted to hospital on Sunday. Throwing up, a little chest pain, so dh decided i was going to the er. Turns out they found a small amt of pneumonia.I had my social security dr appt schedule on Tuesday which has to be rescheduled. Had a egd scheduled for wed which they did. Found no ulcers and no cancer. But.. they almost had to put me on life support as they could not wake me up after the scope.
I talked them into releasing me Thursday night as i had a rhuemy appt scheduled today. At 9 am I got a call (appt was for 10) apparently the dr was sicl so they had to reschedule.
Dh went on to work at noon so i am at home with my dogs trying to take it easy. Still very weak. To top it off dh went to get my antibiotics and pain meds. turns out the antibiotics and warafarin counter act so we are waiting till the dr calls the pharmacy back.
What next? Oh, and my insurance called me while in hospital to see if they could do anything for me. Apparently i am getting to be known by them.