ak angel said...
I have some crazy things going on with my thumbs. They draw up for no reason. Usually when I am trying to eat and hold a fork. Lots of spasms. I have to rub them and then it goes away until next time. It has got less since I cut back on my calcium.
This was very helpful! Since I was 12, I've eaten almost no dairy at all, getting my calcium from veggies, almond milk, etc. However, vegan alternatives are very expensive and I've been too sick and depressed to work for the last year or so. I've started eating more dairy products when my husband and I go out, because vegan food is just so expensive! And I've continued with my calcium-rich multivitamin, too! I'll try cutting back to the amount of calcium I was consuming a few months back and see if that helps!
I will also look into seeing a nurse practitioner next time something minor comes up, and I will try to find myself a good rheumatologist if I can.
Thank you, Sherrine, I will read the thread you suggested!