Okay, last week I started going to a psychologist to help me with coping with my chronic illnesses.
My LTD insurance insists I go to one based on my doctor's opinion. Man, break down once in front of the PCP and he hands you paxil and declares you depressed.
I admit I've had some sad times in the last two years...3 deaths (cousin, uncle, aunt)...told I had lupus...chronic pain...fibromyalgia...getting fired...filing for disability...money worries...pet dying...
I didn't realize how much I had bottled up in me. I started talking and it all spilled out in a rush. I blubbered for 45 minutes. I don't think I let her ask but 5 questions the whole time.
When I left I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my back. I'm supposed to come back on Tuesday this week and talk some more. I hope I don't bawl again, but it felt so nice to vent to a total stranger who is there to listen with no judgement. Even if it does cost me $45.