If you took a spoon of garlic mixed with vanilla every day, and you felt it was helping your Fibro, I'd say "you" should keep taking your garlic and vanilla. But personally speaking, I'd have zero confidence in that myself.
For that matter, after having suffered as bad as only a Fibro person could know, from the age of 22 to 45 (I'm 48 now) I still don't believe a "silver bullet" for Fibro has been discovered.
Granted, I myself have knocked my Fibro and IBS, "almost" completely out. But my method (hard core diet and exercise regime) has been anything but, a quick, easy fix ! I still bust my every freaking day ! I guess for many people {most ?} my method is just a little too hard of a pill to swallow.
All of this said, "IF" I were still suffering from Fibro, the way that I used to, I'd probably do whatever I had to, to try some hCG. {human chorionic gonadotropin}. This is a hormone found naturally in the human body, but maybe not enough is naturally produced to have positive effects on Fibro.
Of course now, the last thing I'd want to do, would be to try anything that might effect my Fibro in any way ! If it's not broke, don't try to fix it.
But I do have a buddy suffering badly with Fibro, and I'd love to see him try hCG......
PS, BTW, about 5 years ago, I took a collagen / chondroitin supplement (two huge bottles from Costco... I think like 1000 tabs) until it was all gone. I saw zero relief of joint pain, or any other Fibro symptoms, for that matter.