Pets are wonderful, they seem to know when you need them. Lisa, I am glad you have your little buddy! It always seems our minds think we are heathy people and we have no limits. I took on a very stressful job last year and had to give it up even though I loved, loved, loved it, it was just too much for me and I had to go back to working part time, which of course adds the burden of extra financial worries. And....then you get mad at yourself because your body won't let you do what you want to do. Its a sad cycle. Like ak angel said, try and find some time for yourself, reading, soaking, listening. Last year when I was having a really bad time I made a "woman cave" out of a spare bedroom. It took me about
a month to come up with a sanctuary for myself, no husband allowed, lol, no pets allowed (that lasted a week before I wanted the cat in with me, lol) Anyhow I ended up with a gorgeous little hide away for myself so when I need a time out or a place to go cry or just a quiet place to read I had it
I also read a few books about
people's incredible survival stories. That was helpful in putting life into prospective big time! Of course I did all this while switching from effexor to cymbalta and getting off tramadol, so needless to say I was a little "crazy" for six weeks!!! Lisa, how are you feeling today?