Because i am sick. (Blaming husband also). When i overdo it with things i do, or stress a lot, not only do i hurt more, but after all is over, I get sick. Today, i feel like you know what. Dh was sick the week between Christmas and New years. I think i have it now.
What stress? December was like this, money very tight. Most shopping not done till christmas eve. Family at my house Christmas eve (13 of us).
My parents had 9 (!) dogs along with 4 mini goats. She has her favorites. Animals are family to us. One of her dogs who was 12 years old died christmas day from chron's disease. Her oldest sister died week before Christmas and she was so sick with flu she could not attend services, so guess who had to represent my family. her death was not a surprise.
Then on the Thursday after christmas my parents favorite dog got his foot hung in something and jerked so bad, hurt his back. They were going to take him to the vet on Friday afternoon but my mom
was taken to the er with a mini stroke.
She is ok but could not remember what my dd's name was and it is her only grandchild. She asked me what a stroke was. I know she knew.
she was so worried about Jack (the dog) that my dh and dad took to vet er. he hurt his spine and it would cost 4-5 thousand for surgery and no guarantees. Since he co0uld not walk when she got home they took to the vet and she recommended put to sleep. Mom is devastated. Dad is already talking about another one.
so since i am sick with possible flu..the holidays are officially over.