Okay you all knowI have been in a flare up for 4 months. Its not getting any better. Actully its getting worse. I have missed 3 weeks solid at work. I have doctors notes for all of them, including last week that my doctor wanted me to take off. (I got a new one) On one of my decent days (pain only a 4) I helped my boyfriends mom take her grandson to his pshyc appoinment. While we sat in the waiting room she was reading a parenting magazine, and she saw a page on schooling for medical billing. Says you can work from home and pick your hours. I know no matter what my pain is at, even if its a 10 I am usualy on the computer trying to get my mind off the pain. So Ifigured it might be a good idea to try. My other option is disability, which I really dont want to do. When I'm good, Im good....but when I'm bad oh its bad (in reference to pain). I have to find somethihgn that will be easier on me.
I also just went to a chiropracter 3 days ago and got a full set of xrays. Turn out I have lots of problems there....my neck is curved 15 degrees in the wrong direction, and I have 3 degenterating disks. My upper back is supposed to be at a 24% curve, mine is 46. Yeah back is kinda screwed up. The guy said he usuly only sees it that bad in a 70 year old. Oh and this is fun, I have been waiting forever to get my insurance. I finaly get it and it doesn't cover therepy of anykind or emergincy room visits...so what good is that! Grr. I keep banging my head into walls, everywhere I turn there is a dead end. Im really starting to get discuraged. Not sure how much longer I can go before my brain just snaps. Im not a quiter at all...I am very very stubbern,. But it is really just statring to look hopeless. When I was diagnosed at 13, I was vvery bad. In and out of a wheelchair, spasms, blackouts...dr swaid I was the 3rd worse case he had ever seen. That lasted for 6 years and mulitpul therapies. Chiropracters, massage, acupuncter, water therapy, horse therapy. You name it. For 7 years I have been very active but I have noticed winters started to get harder, and everything just rapidly went down hill...now I am back to where I started with no money and no insurance that worth a crap and I am unable to get to work . Its really starting to bother me. I am not able to do anything that give me joy.
Sorry guess I needed to vent. ANWAY I was wondering if anyone had any stay at home jobs..