Hi, Mrs. Bugzy, and welcome to the fibro forum. I, too, have a total colectomy, lots of back, hip, and neck pain from ankylosing spondylitis. I also have suspect sacroiliitis. I had sciatic nerve pain running down my legs. This was diagnosed by my rheumy last spring. A muscle relaxer and ibuprofen with food has helped me a lot.
Have you checked your medication? There is a wonderful site called Drugs.com and you can look up your medications and see if any could be causing you not to be able to tolerate solid foods. I mention this because I kept winding up in the hospital with partial bowel obstructions. When in the hospital they didn't give me my medications, I would get better, and they told me to start my medications again when I was released. Sure enough I was back in the hospital with the same symptoms within days.
I went through so many tests, CAT scans, x-rays, etc. After being released one time I had to go back for an upper GI. I felt soooo much better for a couple of days after that test. (Turns out I was dehydrated but all that stuff that I had to drink hydrated me!) I had to see my surgeon for the results and when they took my blood pressure it was 62/30! They didn't know how I was even walking.
It turns out it was my blood pressure medication causing all of my problems. I was on a medication and a diuretic. The diuretic was making me dehydrated and the blood pressure med made my BP too low. I stopped both one day when I nearly passed out and couldn't breathe. I called my doctor, he saw me, and my BP was now 74/62...wonderful BP without medication. I had lost a lot of weight but no one checked the meds.
So, I think I would check your medication. It's a good place to start. Sometimes we can have reactions to things that we've taken for years.
I do hope you find your answers. This is horrible to go through. I was afraid to eat at first.
As others have mentioned, do read Fibro 101...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibro and you will learn a lot there.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.