Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to ask a question about a difficult family situation that very much increases my inflammation and fibro pain when I'm exposed to it.
A couple days ago I had lunch with my very successful, married daughter who has issues with the workplace just like her father, my ex-husband, does due to his sociopathic tendencies.
She works in the professional medical field and over the years of being out in the workplace her complaints began with management who didn't compliment her on a job well done and instead criticized her for something she missed. I tried to explain to her that all part of being a medical professional.
My ex tells her they shouldn't be treating her that way. She grew up hearing frequent angry remarks from her father at the dinner table concerning his boss. I tried to tell him this wasn't appropriate dinner conversation. When I mentioned this to my daughter along with stating her father had a lot of good qualities at lunch the other day, she replied maybe he had good reasons for saying all that he did.
Then comes rules. Just like her father, she told me at lunch that she hates rules. I never heard this from her before. Again it sounded just like her father. She said, "Why can't everyone be as responsible as me then we wouldn't need rules. I did make the comment (gently), that that sounded like her father.
When my daughter was younger and worked for several years at a grocery store, she would at times become upset about certain bosses and her father (my husband at the time) would tell her she didn't have to take that. He would say that maybe she should think about quitting. I stepped in later and explained to her she will find difficult bosses anywhere. I encouraged her not to quit. She stuck with it. I'm very proud of her.
This lunchtime conversation was very stressful for me because I believe I have post traumatic stress from the emotionally abusive dealings with her father.
So I'd like to get your opinions on what I should do. Should I sit down with her and tell her about her father's sociopathic tendencies and hearing the things I heard from her is toxic to me? But I want to help. That to me is more important than how it affects me. I feel if I didn't she would have more issues.
She does speak to my ex a lot. They're very close. He's her sounding board.
Thanks for reading this.