Minny, I'm so glad you have found what has been making you so extremely sick. Fibro isn't a progressive illness and I'm glad you kept searching to find what really was causing a lot of your problems. Not everything is caused by fibro but it's so easy to blame everything on fibro.
You are just starting your treatment and you probably will continue to get better and better. You said that memory and finding words would not return completely. You don't know that for sure! No one knows what the future holds for them. Expect to get your memory back and you just might be surprised!
I have been a candidate for a cochlear implant for my hearing for 13 years. The surgeon said it wasn't IF I got a cochlear implant, but WHEN I got one because I was going to go completely deaf. I told him he didn't factor God in the equation. And, here I am, 13 years later, with the same hearing loss for the most part. So don't short change yourself. How your body heals is something no one truly knows for sure.
There are a couple of supplements that help with memory and I take them and I don't have a lot of problem with fibro fog. I still will have my moments but for the most part I do great. The supplements I take ar folic acid (800mcg a day) and CoQ10 (100 mg twice a day). They even use folic acid for Alzheimer's patients. Not sure if they use CoQ10. These might help you too.
Here is a link to a thread I posted about a week ago about these supplements.