Well I am fairly new to this forum but not new to Fibro. I am a 66 year old lady and had been in remission from this disease for a while when I suffered a terrible flare when my husband of 46 years passed away
in January. Since then I have been suffering with terrible rib and back pain. All started in the neck and shoulders and worked it's way down. Actually went to the ER Saturday night with diarhea problems and was diagnosed with diverticulitus and placed on an antibiotic. The only time I am pain free is when I am lying down, but I refuse to do that. I have a part time job and a house and land to take care of and I refuse to let this monster take over my house. I also have an 89 year old Mother that I take care of her
house and land also. I thought at first I had Costochondritis, but now I am not sure as it seems to be
getting worse. I will only take one hydrocodone pill 500 mg. a day cut in half as I don't want to cause
liver damage. I also am taking 100 mg of lyrica twice a day and when that is run out I don't know what I will do as Cymbalta is the only med that helped me and I got it free from the clinic's drug assistance program and they discontinued it. Dummy me didn't sign up for Medicare part D this year and now I have to wait until October to sign up for it. Does anyone out there have continual rib and back pain? mine started on left side and then went to right side and now both sides hurt equally. My sternum is sore but not terribly so I am wondering if you can have rib and back pain without having costo. This is the first time I have had pain in this area. All advice would be greatly appreciated.