So hey, people always ask me about
what I eat.... and, do I have cheat days, or cheat meals ? Well, I eat what I eat. But sometimes, I might eat an extra fruit or two.... or maybe a 6 lb hunk of watermelon :) LOL
Or, an extra large dinner. When I cook chicken, I cook enough for two nights, typically about 36 oz, and I split it for two 18oz dinners. But I think this must have been 42oz to start with, and I must have split it 18oz and this fat 24oz dinner :) LOL Then, my green beans were only supposed to be 3/4's of a barrel, and I accidentally cooked a whole one :)
Oh, the oatmeal was only 3/4 cup dry + 3/4 cup Silk Vanilla light soy milk, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1 whole banana, Bam ! :)
Probably about 2200 cals, but who's counting ;) Keeping my weight right where I want it :)