Hi, Liz, and welcome! Yes, you have come to the right place. We have wonderful members who love to help one another and, as a bonus, we really do care about each other, too. I do think you will like it here.
Ahhh....you have taken the first step....accepting your diagnosis. It's a tough one. Many go through the grieving process, too, so if that happens with you, you are quite normal. It's difficult to have chronic pain but I've had fibro for decades and have had a full and enjoyable life in spite of it. You will learn how to manage with fibro and find the combination of things that help you control your pain. We are all so different and it would be great if one medication helped everyone with fibro but it's not that way. It's a trial and error thing.
But what does help nearly everyone is gentle exercise...like walking, swimming, and yoga. We do have to keep moving because if we sit or lay too long we will be stiff as a board and have more pain. Gentle stretches, too, help keep those muscles more flexible. Pacing yourself is good, too.
There are some supplements that have helped others, also. I do that these and have posted about them and how they work in the body in Fibro 101. They are malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D3 supplements. They have helped quite a few.
You are just getting started on your fibro journey. You become the master of your body...not fibro. Live and enjoy your life. You can find ways to work around fibro to do the things you want to do. Try things, too. We surprise ourselves all of the time when we try things we think we can't do and discover that we can! You never know unless you try.
Also, try to keep a positive outlook. I know that can be difficult when you hurt all over but a positive attitude helps so much. There have been studies about this, too, and prove that positive thinking helps with healing. There is a link in Fibro 101 about maintaining a positive attitude when you have chronic pain. It's good and I have read it several times....especially when I'm having one of those days.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you. Hope to hear more from you soon.