Yesterday, I said "Man, I am tired" (this being after being up till about
midnight night before, having very restless sleep,getting up at 6am working till 1:30 then coming home to have to travel to get parts to fix my vehicle....)
and I wasn't really saying it to dear hubby just complaining outloud...and hubby says "surprise me, when aren't you tired" hit a nerve...I cant help that I am always tired,I even asked my family doctor AND my rheumy for something to help this horrible fatigue. all they gave me was amnitriptyline....25mg doesn't work even at the 50mg they had suggested then took away....and put it back to 25mg
I still have to function, go to work, be a Mom,clean entire house on days off cause I'm to tired after working, you know do all the things 'normal' people do, and sorry but it makes me tired. sheesh sorry I have fibro and RA and its inconveniencing you dear hubby....
anyway I am sure many people here have felt as annoyed and hurt really as I did/do from some healthy peoples comments. Sorry to bug you with my rant but thanks again for understanding and listening