Posted 2/13/2014 2:10 PM (GMT 0)
The simple answer is, I don't know.
The complex answer, some pain most very likely will always be present. Where and of what level it will be, we simply cannot predict. Fibro is pretty consistent in its inconsistency. However, another condition of some sort may eventually present itself. For instance, I started having way more pain, in areas not explained easily by fibro. The answer, on my next visit to the rheummie, was something called enteropathic arthritis, found in some people with bowel diseases (which I have). So, you might develop arthritis or a bad back, not DUE to the fibro but alongside the fibro.
As far as the abdominal pain and nausea, is there a stomach virus in your area? Or did you eat something suspicious? If it continues, see the doctor. If it runs its course, just a bug. Fibro may cause IBS in some people. I usually wait a few weeks for a new issue to start to concern me. Otherwise, I would go crazy with it, if you know what I mean.
Light/Noise-- It might get worse, or better, or change. No predicting. Sounds have always been my issue, but when I am pushing things physically, or having trouble with another condition, light and smell and sound bother me.
It takes about a year to understand and be comfortable in how you are dealing with the condition. If something isn't working over a few weeks, then address it. I discovered early on, a decade ago, that sleep was my number one concern. I have been on some type of sleep medication since.
It is scary when your body betrays you. But you will get it, and even understand it, and then be able to manage it. It just takes your being proactive in finding accomodations.