I've been reading posts for awhile now but finally decided to ask the family that knows.
Was diagnosed in 2000 after 4 years of tests, studies, Dr's, etc.
Have been on many meds and for about the last 7 years have been on Oxycodone 10-325 - 3x day and last 4 years added Opana 20 - 2x day, took away the Fentanyl Patch 50 due to it breaking out my skin severely wherever I put it.
Now with being on the Oxy & Opana it only gets me to an 8-9 most days and I work 40hrs week still (when possible).
My previous visit, PM changed Oxy to Vicodin but, Vicodin gives me headaches- can't take so, was switched back.
3 weeks ago, had first injections in kneck & shoulders and took away a lot of pressure/pain in those areas but, only lasted about a week.
I have appt. next week at PM and have no idea where we are going from here (will not take Lyrica- completely zoned me out so I didn't know who I was & caused me to leave husband).
The Fentanyl Patch gave me the most relief from any meds that I've taken in last 20 years but, the rashes to severe to continue.
Does anyone have any suggestions?