I've had some bizarre neuro symptoms over the years, somewhat like yours. Mine was at its worse about
10 years ago, just before I was diagnosed with fibro. I had horrific muscle spasms and lots of 'jumping' and 'stuck,' 'freezing' muscles and I wondered what was going on. I felt out of control!
I did learn that I likely have mild cerebral palsy, as well. But really--I focus more on the fibro these days. My (possible) CP more involved me being super klutzy, and heck, I'm used to that!
It's hard not to worry about new symptoms, but kudos on doing the right thing--seeing your doctor. I'm sure he/she will give you good advice. My doctor referred me to a neurologist and I, too, was scared, but after testing, etc., I felt a huge sigh of relief. Pat yourself on the back (if you can, having fibro, LOL!), because you're getting it checked out.
Fibro symptoms can be weird, and yes, often meds can cause strange things to happen, too. Try to do something fun and relaxing today. I think your mind will likely be eased after seeing your doctor.
Sending a prayer and wishing you the best. Take confidence in knowing you're doing the right thing for yourself today.