Posted 12/4/2014 3:09 PM (GMT 0)
This is what has worked for me if you want to try it.
My massage therapisst told me not to hop out of bed in the morning immediately. She told me to start with the feet and rotate my ankles gently but firmly and then work my way up my body. Anything that cant be rotated I am supposed to tighten and relax the muscles 3 times. Then, since a lot of my pain is in my hips, I lay flat on my back and cross one leg over the other. I push it over to the opposite side and up towards my shoulder firmly but gently. You will know the right spot when you feel that muscle. It should feel a little "stretchy uncomfortable" (my phrase, not hers, lol) but NOT painful. It took me a long time to learn the difference on me, so i may be describing it poorly. Once I have done this on both sides, I am supposed to do cat and camel. That is just kneeling on all fours and arching your back as far as it is comfortable. Then sink it the other way, pushing your tummy down towards the bed. I am supposed to do 5 repetitions of that.
The idea is to spend 5 minutes stretching before you hit the ground running. I often forget and hit the ground, lol. Then I regret it. If you want to try it, adjust any of it to suit you and to fit your comfort level.
I also take either Aleve or Tramadol and then hit the shower as soon as I am done for heat on my body.
Good luck on your search for a good mornig routine. If you find the number of the truck that roles over us at night... Send it my way.