Posted 4/1/2015 8:55 PM (GMT 0)
At the moment, there is no cure. The medical establishment might find one eventually, and I am fairly sure that they will. eventually. But right now, the best we can do is manage it successfully.
I just heard an interview with a doctor on NPR. She wasn't referring to FMS, but she said something I found quite arresting.
A 'cure' discussed on the internet or in some communities is not what doctors use to make their medical evaluations. If something benefits a few people, that's great, but it is not a cure that has been researched and tested by physicians. Physicians will study recent breakthroughs, and will prescribe medications that have been tested, are safe, will make their patients lives better or more bearable, AND are beneficial for most patients.
Others will say they do not trust the medical establishment, or doctors, or drug companies, or a whole variety of other things. That's fine, for everyone is entitled to make up their own minds and do their research. I will give my trust to the very flawed medical profession, for it is based on science, trials, and evidence, not anecdotes.
Good luck in your search!