Well, the weather hasn't been cooperative enough to continue gardening, so I thought I'd stop by the forum and hopefully get some wise wisdom!
I've been carefully pacing myself, yet feel quite, well---wimpy, I guess, is the word. This isn't terribly unusual for me this time of year, but there are some additions. My breathing isn't as shallow as it is some Springtimes, but it's still not good. I have to remind myself to take good, deep breaths, and that helps a little. Off and on I feel a little light-headed, and maybe that's just due to the shallow breathing.
Another thing: I'm wondering if I might have Sjogren's syndrome, along with my other issues. I started piecing things together when my dentist commented last year that my health seemed to have something to do with rapidly forming cavities. I go back to the dentist next week and hope for the best, but already, I can see there are tooth issues and my mouth is always so dry, especially at night. I'm not currently taking any meds, but did take a very low dosage a few weeks back. Before that, I hadn't taken anything for a few months, so I don't think such dryness is from any medications.
I sip water and chew sugarless gum during the day and avoid caffeine. I get up a couple times at night and drink a little water and rinse my mouth. I'm well into menopause and have had no issues until a couple months ago---extreme 'female' dryness (I know some dryness is common, but 'very dry' can also be related to Sjogren's). An OTC gel does help, and I'm seeing an OB/gyn next week for that and another related "older female" issue. Whew! All this is a little stressful on one hand, but on the other, at least I'm getting everything checked out. As for getting checked for Sjogren's, I'm waiting a bit past these other appointments.
There are important events coming up in the family, including one relating to my future D-I-L. Right now, there are two "biggies" and I'd hate to miss out on either, but one is a graduation that's 2 hours long! I've been very achy this Spring, especially at night and early morning (unusual leg achiness for me--might this go with Sjogren's?). It's a little better now, but not good. I just can't see myself seated someplace for 2 hours, not feeling all that well, and it appears there's no place or way I could do even part of the ceremony. The past several weeks, it's all I can do to go to Mass for nearly an hour, and I change positions (sit, stand, kneel) there, so 2 hours of sitting sounds like agony. What do I do? I'd also hate to miss out on the other with future D-I-L, but wow, I've just been sort of wimpy and don't feel up to much running around at all.
I do blame the weather. It warmed nicely, briefly, then it's cool and damp and windy. Big-time rebellion for my body!
I don't want anyone to have hurt feelings, but just wonder how I'm going to get through these events. I really, really hate saying 'no' to anything, but also feel like I stick out like a sore thumb if I even mention my health isn't up to where it should be right now (I'd guess just about
everyone on this forum can relate to that one). I'd like to "just do it," but try telling my body that!
I just don't want anyone to have hurt feelings, but how am I going to do these, feeling like I do?
Wise wisdom, anyone?