Thanks Sherina.
My colitis is in remission right now and has been since 2012. My GI doctor and first rheumatologist believe the colitis is not causing the positive ana. I did prednisone for a short time and it worked wonderfully. The second rheumatologist said I had 14 of the 18 pressure points so it Is definitely fibro. He also said I may have raised or lupus but don't have enough symptoms to say yes. I am going to redo my blood work and stop the Arava for now per his instructions. I go back in 4 weeks but can call if I am not doing better. They increased my amatriplyne to 50
[email protected] and said that should help. I just feel so overwhelmed and confused. My second rheumatologist is from Penn Medicine and has a great reputation.
Glad your family crisis worked out. I hope for the best.