I finally saw a doctor for my rupture L2 disk with nerve impingement and he referred me to a pain management doc who does epidural steroid injections. I was a little nervous, since steroids can make me a little crazy for a short time. (or should I say "crazier"?)
The day after, the pain was GONE.......and it has stayed gone for about
9 days now. I don't mean the ruptured disk pain
(which was only in my legs and down the left leg), but ALL my pain everywhere...........And I mean everywhere.........feet, legs, hips, arms. I couldn't believe it! It was like a dream.....a wonderful dream! I got so much done and my bad depression was also gone! I was having crying spells all through the days/weeks before this, and haven't cried since the injection. I haven't even been sad! Boy, I didn't expect this! I'm starting to get a few small pains here and there, so we'll see where it all ends up.
I don't expect all the pains I had before the disk rupture to be gone, but I'm starting to think that the disk rupture affected lots more than I thought.
Anyhow.......I've never come here without a complaint to share, so I thought I should come here and show you that I CAN be happy!
And even if most of pains return, I was at least given a short time of happiness, for which I'm grateful.
And I can only wish that you all can have times of pain relief like this at some time.