Thanks so much guys. This last couple of days have been really hard. He had been passing out a lot, and finally he decided that we could take him to the dr. We took him to the ER, and they admitted him to ICU right then. He has dehydration along with cdiff(intestinal bacteria), and pneumonia, as well as an infection in his blood. Needless to say, he is not doing well. He is having DTs really badly, and they called us this morning to come down there, because they thought it was close, but then he took a turn for the better. It is so hard to see him like that, and he cant even
open his eyes or talk, since they have him on things to make him more comfortable and an oxygen mask on his face. It is so hard to take. I wish things were better, but I know they look pretty grim right now. As for the alcohol, I guess his friends were getting it for him.... some friends, huh?
Thanks guys!