Hi all,
Greetings from South Florida where the a/c never gets turned off, and the cockaroaches are the size of chihuahua's. Oh, and yes, don't forget the Hurricanes. Speaking of, hurricanes I am freaking out beacause it looks like Ike is heading our way. I was making plans to evacuate-don't want to get stuck in traffic for hours, so I thought maybe I will catch a flight out.
Then it occured to me while making plans...... can my liver fly?
It sounded so funny.... What I meant was can I fly with liver problems... it didn't exactly come out right......but it was a good laugh.
I am so paranoid about my liver... but when I think "can my liver fly" it brings a smile to my face......hopefully it brings a smile to some of you...
that is, only if you are nuts/crazy like me...