hello everyone, posted earlier, and am now posting to introduce myself. I am 45 yrs old and have had alot going on over the last year. I started in march with chest pain which landed me in hospital.(everything ok). at that time i found out that my platletes were low 40s.(been slightly low for a few yrs, but doc was not concerned, he said may be idopatic). I pressed the issue with him after hosp stay, and he had me see hematologist/oncologist, who did some testing(abd cat scan,labs,some other test like xray checking for lymphoma,etc.) results showed enlarged spleen which is causing low platelet count. hematologist monitored labs for 3 months and after that I had another ct scan, he felt that veins between liver and spleen were enlarged(portal hypertension). at this point he decided to do siver bioposy, which showed liver fibrosis(NALD). this dr sent me to see heptologist who did not seem too concerned about
whats going on. He told me to keep diabetes(type 2) under control,loose weight, and take fiber supplement to help constipation, he also wanted me to have endoscopy and colonoscopy which showed very small varicies, and one polp which was removed and tested ok. I have been having pain in liver everyday and seem to have stomach upset alot,also have fatigue(tired all the time). Is this normal to experience with condition I have, and anyone have any suggestions on how to fight fatigue? thanks