Westex, I agree that you shouldn't give up just yet. I have hep C, cirrhosis, and survived liver cancer. I had a huge tumor that took up most of the rt. lobe and metastasized to the inferior vena cava (large vessel.) Thanks to treatment at Mayo, the tumor shrunk and died, but also killed the rt. lobe. The rt. lobe was removed (and will not regenerate.) I am living on just the left lobe, but doing okay. I have been cancer free for over 2 yrs. The left lobe has actually grown some to accommodate the missing rt. lobe.
It is true that your sister will need to have 6 mos. of documented attendance at AA meetings or alcohol counseling. The #1 best thing she can do for her liver is to stop drinking entirely. I had actually stopped 7 yrs. prior to my hep C diagnosis.
I've seen many miracles here and your sister is still young. As PG suggested, be her advocate. Learn everything you can and ask questions.
My thoughts and prayers are with your sister, you, and your entire family.