DeeDee, back in '93, when I was first diagnosed with hep C, the only treatment available was interferon injections 3 x a week. I did try it--two different times--and both times had to stop as my white count plummeted. So when the combo came along, I didn't want to try it as I felt the same thing would happen--plus I would be sick as a dog for nearly a year. Also, I was having one surgery after another. Now, however, I feel that I'd like to try the new treatment when it becomes available (in about a year.) They would know by 8 wks. whether it is working, and I could get treatment for low white count.
I read about the ALA several times and decided to ask my hep doc about it. Next time I get to a health food store, I'll look into buying some. I want to do a little more reading about recommended dosages, etc.