I don't know if this has any bearing on hepatitis c or not. But, back in October of 2009, my left leg started hurting when I went out to feed the calf before church. By the time we got to church, I was really not feeling well at all. Then, I started throwing up blood. A varices had busted and I had to be taken by ambulance to hospital where they did a banding. No problems since. But, this past week my daughter's brother-in-law's girlfriend and his little boy were sick with something and they insisted on going to dentist with us. Of course, my daughter and her husband already told them all, if anyone was sick, they had to stay away. Not only because they have 3 young girls who catch everything, but because I have virtually no immune system.
Needless to say, I caught whatever the girls caught from their little cousin. Now I'm coughing, running a temp (today it got up to 102.1F underarm); and my left thigh is red and hurts again. It worries me because of the last time my leg was like that. I guess, I'll find out soon enough if the same thing is going to happen.
Thank you for letting voice my concerns and worries.