Connie, thanks for your response. The edema only goes away slightly after having his legs elevated. They are basically the same when he gets up in the morning after he's been off of them all night, which to him is at 6:30 in the evening until 9 or so the next day.
Yes, he has a Living Will and I am his advocate. He's made it clear that he doesn't want any measures taken to resuscitate if it comes to that. We've talked about dialysis, and he seems to think he'd try it if it becomes a necessity, but to be honest, I don't know if they'd let him do it given his heart issues. He has an appointment with his kidney doctor on Tuesday, but we already know that his creatinine level from his latest blood test was 1.9, which I know isn't very good. He only saw a GI doctor once, and he basically gave us no information at all- it was almost like he'd written him off because there wasn't anything else they could do with him. We asked for his MELD score, but he said that since he's taking coumadin, it would give us an abnormally high reading that wasn't true anyway.
It just gets frustrating, as I'm sure everyone here can attest to from the forums I've read, that no one wants to give you any answers at all. He won't allow any help at home unless it's his children, and if it gets bad enough that we could call in hospice, I hope they let us know in plenty of time. Then, we could tell him that he could only stay home instead of a nursing home if he'd let hospice come to his house, and we'd know that he had someone to help if we weren't there. We've asked the kidney doctor if he has hepatorenal syndrome, because from what we've been told, it sounds exactly like that. He said that he wasn't ready to call it that, because that would be a death sentence. Sorry to ramble, but it's nice to get it down and vent about it! I appreciate your listening to me.