hello. everything is pretty much the same. moms bp today was 187/100. she is sleeping a lot. very gray pallor for the last couple days.. im going to clean her house later today. as for me, im just here. i feel like this is a nightmare i will soon wake up from. i know that there is nothing to help her. i cant make a miracle happen, but that doesnt make it any easier.
sometimes i feel like life is a cruel joke, like when she was feeling half way good,and cleaning her house. i was thinking hey this might not be as bad as they say , moms cleaning house, eating a little,maybe them docs are wrong.but then reality sets in, she stops eating, bp on the rise again, wont eat, and sleeping again.... life sucks sometimes..
these are the main things going on with mom right now.
wont eat.
swelling in feet and ankles. some in stomach.
sleeping probably 16-18 hours out of a 24 hr day
weighs 89 pounds
always cold.
bruises everywhere.
short term memory gone but long term still good.
bp extremely high..
are these normal things that are going on?