Had a CT scan done of my chest and a stress test. Both came back abnormal even though EKG was normal. Anyway, the heptologist said I
could have liver cancer, and the abnormal stress test
could mean I had a heart attack. So, I had an appointment with the cardiologist. HE said the stress test was sporious. False. But to make a diffinitive diagnosis I would need to have an angiogram. So one was scheduled. Got to the hospital (which is 3 hours away), went in and was getting prepped for the procedure when a doctor came in and told me they couldn't do the procedure! The reason being is because my platelets are at 58, and my INR is 1.9. It was explained to me that if they went ahead with the procedure, I could bleed internally and that would be it! So, they are waiting for my transplant coordinator to schedule me to go to the hospital to spend the night so they can give me frozen plasma and then do the procedure the next morning. My fear is that the transplant doctor is going to think that I am too high of a risk for a transplant.
I hope and pray not, but he may very well do it.