This reply goes to MrErythema: I just got done reading all of the posts back concerning liver disease. Just a short story on me, I have Crohns and have had it for about
10years with no surgery or meds. Now after my last scope Mr Gastro Doc wants to put me on the drug Humiria. I do have an appointment to see him next week and will be asking him questions also concerning my pre-existing liver conditions, which I think started in 2007. My liver function as of Oct2010, was within normal range. But I have had itching, red palms, and my eyes are dry all of the time. I also see a little yellowing under my eyes, but my Doctor has always told me I'm not at all jaundiced and I know I don't see in my eyes. I guess they have to go alot my blood work, and then if the counts are too high, they get you in for a liver biopsy. I don't even drink or smoke, so I was surprised to find out when they did an MRI last August, they found out why the alklain-phosphtase was elevated-they said either coming from the bone or liver-and ofcourse it had to be the liver. How far advanced this is, I don't know, but I do know the last time I saw my Gastro-Doc, he said the bilirubin was normal and the alk-phos was minimally elevated. He has never seemed too concerned to do a liver biopsy as of yet, but I do know I will be asking him alot more questions when I see him!! Please don't hesitate to go see your Doctor, and if you don't feel comfortable with him, you need to go see a specialist. I wish you all of the best and you'll have to keep me posted on how you are doing? I guess I shouldn't worry too much, but I do. I'm hoping that ,my Doctor cares enough not to steer me wrong. I knbow for me, I do have to find out more about
this drug. Take Care of Yourself--Hugs--Silvergriz