Everyone's system is different. When my ammonia levels reached the 60's, I would start noticing that I wasn't talking right, having problems not being steady. The first time I blacked out, my level was at 128. The last time, my ammonia level was at 395! When you blacked out, did your family not take you to the hospital? They should have, the physicians there would most likely have put you on Lactulose right away to bring your ammonia level down. You probably would have only been in there 4 days. If you have no insurance for hospital, they can get help from outside sources for you.
Next blackout you have, get to hospital. Tell your family to call ambulance. I more or less provided my primary care physician with information about Hep C. She would keep in touch with my liver dr. Now, since I had the transplant, any dr I see, has to talk to my transplant coordinators. But, they don't mind.
Good luck to you in finding you a doctor. Hope you find one, and soon.