Sounds like a tough situation. I'm not too well schooled on meds and medical terms, but my experiences with liver problems have led to a very strategically planned diet. A lot of times it dousn't seem to be working, but when I go back to regular diet for even a day I feel a lot worse. Nobody is the same(this may only work for some and i'm not a doctor), but I have read that the liver detoxes in the morning, so you should wait to eat so the liver is ready. I was trying to eat about
1/6 of my calories at 12:00 noon, which I read should be raw veggies; 2/6 calories at about
4:00, usually some more carbs (non whole wheat and non refined sugars) with a little protein; and about
3/6 calories at about
8-9:00, usually more veggies, carbs, and protein. Meat was always hard for me to process, so different protien sources are good to find. Try quinoa, it's perfect for a low fat, moderate protein, low sodium, high fiber carb source.(you may have to do a web search to find a store that sells)I also try to stay away from milk and cheese. I guess the key is to troubleshoot untill you find a managable formula. Hope your mother can find a good balance that her body can handle. Good luck, try to keep your spirits up.