ML here.
it is 11:45 PM Saturday. Just back from hospital. I took hubby to E.R. this afternoon as he was really worse. they started him on 2 additional diuretics Thursday at GI appointment.
He has pitting edema to his knees and ascites in abdomen.
By today he was a complete mess. Sleeping. Shaking. Gray. Yellow tinge in his eyes. Gagging. Not eating or drinking. Just sleeping. He woke up from a nap and asked me to take him to the hospital. So we went and they kept him. His counts are off the chart...but for his ammonia, which was 17 this evening. 2 weeks ago 114. Last week 67. today, 17. that Lactulose took the stuffing out of him, but really worked! GASP.
So good news and bad. There he sits with gall stones. But he is still sober.
then he started with a fever AT the hospital. they shot him up with IV fluids and IV antibiotic and he started feeling better almost immediately!
But he keeps telling me things I should know for when he dies. Before we got in the car today for the drive to hospital he took me outside to show me where we need a spigot for the hose and then reminded me the name and phone numbers of hte plumber and air conditioning guys he uses.
But I have an okay feeling tonight...that he's gonna rally.
Emma: Glad to hear you got through another threshhold! Day 19 is 8 minutes away. ML