Hi All,
I haven't been losting for the last few weeks but finally have a spare 10 mins so I jumped on to catch up. I hope everyone is going OK? I think in my last post a few weeks ago I said my mother inlaw passed away so it has been very full on since. She was also an alcoholic and she has been drinking quite heavily during the day and that night got up to continue drinking and passed out and fell of the kichten chair, hitting her head, she was done very quickly and by the time my father inlaw found her, she was gone. She was 63yo. It has been very hard and as well as caring for Ben I am know caring for my father inlaw who also drinks and has parkinson's disease so things are flat out at the moment.
Ben is going pretty well at the moment. He had stopped drinking but on the day of his Mum's funeral he did have a couple of beers but been of it again since. Fliud retention has improved since and has been on fluid tablets (100mg per day) which is also helping. The top of his abdomen is still very enlarged, is this a normal thing to happen? Also has doesn't seem to be able to hold on to goto the toilet anymore. As soobn as he needs to go, thats it he needs to go. The doctor thinks it maybe his kidneys, any thoughts? Also his teetch are still bleeding continuoously, does anyone have any advice to stop this?
Well its good to be back and I hope everyone is doing OK.
Take Care