Wow, Cindy, I feel for you because I am there too....My husband too will not quit. He has the nose bleeds and his hand tremors have progressively gotten worse over the last 6 mos. He also sleeps a lot. Does she have the ascites (swollen belly) yet? That too only gets worse......My husband just had his ultrasound and the radiologist says he is going to have to be drained...He has no appetite because the fluid is pressing on all his organs including stomach, therefore, not much room for food in there. Also, Is she able to hold an intelligent conversation with you or is she confused? I don't know what kind of meds she's on but a lot of people here take lactulose. That may be why she is sleeping more?? My husband has not had to do that yet. His sleeping is due to lack of energy.
I truly hate to be the bearer of bad news and I'm certainly not the expert on this forum, but I can tell you from personal experience that I have watched my husband go downhill in the last 6 mos. There's a major difference in him overall...looks, energy level, overall health. I know it's just a matter of time now. As everyone says, if they will quit, they have a chance to save what liver they have left, but if not, then I'm afraid there's not much more you can do other can encouraging her to eat healthy foods and drink water so she doesn't dehydrate, especially in this type of weather.
Good Luck Cindy and I'm sure others will have much to add here......