hello everyone,
about a month ago, my 8 year old daughter started having stomach pain which pretty quickly began waking her up in the middle of the night. i noticed that her urine was extremely dark a few days later and did a dipstick on it which showed a large amount of bilirubin. i took her to the doctor (the first time) and he said she was just constipated and "dry." (he never even asked if she had been having bowel movements...which she had. so, i knew he was a quack!!). i left there frustrated and worried. i made an appt with her regular pediatrician but had to wait a few more days. she continued to wake up in pain and couldn't roll onto either side because it hurt so bad.
at the pediatrician's office, he ordered labs and felt like this could be serious based on a strong family history of autoimmune disease (and the results of some recent labs that showed an elevated ANA, which has been that way since she was 5, and an elevated double stranded dna, which was new). a brief history...just before she was 5, she started waking up barely able to stand up straight which is why he started testing her for autoimmune issues. a year ago, she was dx with the less serious form of JRA but that rheumatologist was somewhat dismissive since at the time she was feeling pretty good ad her labs were stable. sorry to ramble...
anyway, her labs came back showing her alt being ten times the upper normal limit. her ast was 5 times, ggt was 5 times, alp 5 times, total bilirubin and direct also elevated. her alp was normal 3 days later but everything else was the same except bilirubi was increased. in between, after the first set of labs, she awoke to vomiting and was sent for an ultrasound which showed ascites aroud the gallbladder and thickening of the gallbladder wall. her stools were also pale but there was no evidence of obstruction. she had a HIDA scan with an ejection fraction of 20 percent. the pediatrician consulted with one gastro who suggested a liver biopsy...he then consulted with another who took my insurance in my state (i live on a border town) and he thought the HIDA scan probably wasnt accurate for a child and didnt think a biopsy was necessary just yet.
i did end up seeing the gastro the following week and he thought my daughter needed to be tested for mono!! she had some atypical lymphocytes...well, her blood counts were all whacked out but she had no symptoms of mono. so, he wasted our time because of course the tests came back negative. i feel like the window of opportuity to find out what is wrong has passed.
she still has bilirubin in her urine but stools are back to normal. the doctor is having more tests done this week. she actually started complaing that her right side hurt this evening.
i guess my question is....has anyone been through anything similar with a child?? i am worried sick :(....i have been told that it is either autoimmune hepatitis, pbc or psc...it could be lupus related but it is a rare manifestation. it is a scary to be faced with that kind of a dx for my baby girl....
thank you....