I haven't been by for a while. I am on Urso, have sjogrens, hashis and severe steatohepatitis, highly positive AMA but low alk phosphotase so they are withholding a pbc diagnosis despite false positive hep c antibodies and the rest. At least I am getting tx.
Anyway, I read that pbc affects the fat metabolism, that people with pbc are unable to metabolize certain fats, I have carb, glucose, and fat metabolism problems and it said that we should be on a MODERATE fat diet. I gained all my weight while low fat dieting in the 90s and was insatiably hungry yet not healthy. My hepatologist then believed it was the way to fight fatty liver. Not anymore.
I take the recommended fat soluable vitamins, vit A in the form of fish oil, D and also the others K and calcium. I was told to take vit E for fatty liver but get jaundiced as Icannot metabolize it. I low carb diet.
Several people with diabetes I know have had real problems with the "heart smart diet" recommended for diabetics as it contains way too many carbs for most and not enough healthy fats and protein. I got a second opinion when my family doc recommended it.
Most good hepatologists can recommend a good diet, mine have recommended mediterranean, south beach and atkins for me. I lost 60 pounds on Atkins, then gained some back while off it, and then lost the thirty I gained off it by going back on. Now I try to eat a really fixed diet, my digestion is really bad, so I eat the same things pretty much every day.
Smoothies (I use whey protein) can help alot with weight loss. I cannot eat soy or any Interstitial cystitis list foods, so this helps. I avoid glutens when I can.
My doc explained: When you don't eat fat, your body stores it more, going into starvation mode. Eating some healthy fats will teach your body that you have a regular intake and it doesn't need to pack on fat but can safely burn it.