Hi Linda,
We haven't heard from you in a while. Welcome back!
Sounds like hubby is in a down hill spiral. You seem to be doing all the docs have asked of you and just watching and waiting.
My Mike was a year like that, in a daze, taking the meds, MELD score in the teens. They saw him every 3 months and did the MELD each time.
It wasn't until the small tumor showed up on MRI (not on US or CT scan) did they start really paying attention. tht and being alcohol free. His MELD popped up from 16 to 22 in a rapid decline and he got his new liver.
The finances are a mess, we know. Most here have been round and round with all that too.
The breast enlargement is pretty typical of end stage liver disease and one of the meds exacerbates that symptom. After transplant, Mike's man boobs have gone down some, but are still there. The thing he finds great is that they stopped hurting.
One of our posters also found a lump and had them do a mamogram on her hubby. Men can have breast cancer too. Check it out.
Glad you are back, post any time. Post often. There is a caregivers thread for when you are needing to vent. I had a girlfriend tell me today that she was having a good day -- she does'nt want to run away from home today! I think that is how many of the carers feel sometimes!
Best, Carol aka Mama Lama from Florida