Hope everyone had a quiet and relaxing weekend. Emma..so so sorry for your loss.
I had planned for a nice quiet catch up on my own "caregiver taking care of caregiver" weekend, but Thursday when I stopped by the B & B to see hubby, he was in a panic about evening coming. The night before he had woken up in the middle of the night and did not know who he was, where he was and why he was at the B & B. He could not find staff to ask for help and was terrified.
He wanted to pack and come home immediately. So he has been home with me from Thurs eve until this morning (Monday). The first night we stayed awake all night watching videos, as he was afraid to go to sleep. Then he mellowed out and we had a nice time together at home together for several days. However he is unable to do the simplest things...turn on the tv, make a pot of coffee. I was hoping that he would be able to pick up some of the tasks, but not really.
I was not ready for him to come home, so I was feeling very stressed. I hadn't gotten groceries or done laundry, gotten animal food...as I thought I'd take my time and do it over the weekend. Also, I slipped in some mud feeding horses Thurs morning and wrenched (?) my back...so have been taking 2 Advil every four hours, but it is still painful.
This weekend cut both ways; was nice to have hubby with me and sometimes we could have rudimentary conversations; and on the other hand..it was so much more work than I had planned..esp with a painful back. (Hope that clears up right away.)
As soon as I brought hubby back to B & B, he fell immediately asleep, so I think it wore him out too. But he got to spend time with me, all our kitties, our dog, Mickie Dee, and check out our Mom hen that is setting on 20 eggs. Hope we will have chicks soon. He is looking forward to baby chicks. (He wasn't fast enough to get away from the rooster unscathed, so he does have a small peck mark on his skin. ) It will make a good story for him to tell at the B & B.
All in all, it was a nice weekend. When he was looking for our radio and it was right in front of him and he still couldn't find it, I raised my voice and said, "IT IS RIGHT THERE." He looked at me and said, "Look at me like I am only 2 years old, please." It did help me be more patient and loving. (Good reminder for me!!)
Wishing an easy week for all.