Cirmom , My quote posted earlier was intended to go both ways . I see both sides of this argument and there is nothing more frustrating than being corrected on spelling when your fingers are scrambling to type your thoughts , This problem is magnified when that person is the patient . It's down right intimidating . During personal correspondence ( e-mail ) I have had a few instances in which this was a obstacle for potential forum members , A family member has contacted me trying to find answers due to the spelling issue and being embarrassed to post . This problem has been addressed in a previous post and everyone seems to be behaving since then .
Having said the above , It is in each patient and caregivers best interest to know the proper spelling of each word or try and get it reasonably close enough to interpret from others here . Lack of knowledge can be seen as lack of concern on your part by doctors , and doctors are who determine if you are suitable for transplant . I can't emphasize enough just how the small things matter so much in some of the decision making process just to get on the " list " . Should spelling matter much here ? Well this is a forum and forums have all sorts of people , People are prone to personalities , Bad days , Sickness , peeves and some folks are just plain ole tail holes ( Myself not excluded )
. In essence you don't have to respond to anyone here if you feel they meet any of the above mentioned criteria . People are gonna be people . I personally get a kick out of antagonizing Connie and the dreaded * D * , Kinda makes me feel all warm and cozy inside .
A. Ziffle