Just a quick comment about
the fresh fruit and shakes. I make my hubby milkshakes and alway add fruit...a banana...cantalope...blueberries....strawberries, etc. I also add cinnamon, or nutmeg or coconut. Just different things to "mix it up" for him. I usually put two servings of fruit in each shake, so I know he's getting his fruit for the day. Sometimes I mix two kinds of fruit. Also, I put honey and ice in the shakes if I am short on ice cream. He likes almost all of them.
Also, I make muffins for breakfast (sometimes) and put finely chopped veggies in them and hubby never even notices.
Somedays he just wants 3 shakes and no food ... and this way I feel like he is getting enough fresh stuff. Oftentimes I also, like others mentioned, mix in Boost or Ensure with his smoothie. If anyone has other ideas,,,let's hear them...I would love some more ideas. Thanks