Hey guy's, sorry for the absence, I have been doing the summer thing with the family. However I have been going to countless doctor appointments. Last time I posted I was'nt really sure which direction this was going. I am learning more each day. I had my liver biopsy and the results were as I was expecting. I have HepC1a with Stage 4 cirrohsis. My GI Doctor who is a real ass. Treats me and my wife as if we have been living under a bridge drinking and doping all of our life. She actually gave my wife the hand and told her to hush while she is speaking. My wife was queitly crying not talking. She is right on the drinking though. I also through some research am about
80% sure that I contracted the virus through a transfusion I received in 1988 after a car wreck. The better news is they are going to start me in November on Interfurion and 2 other drugs for a year. She says I have about
a 60-70% chance of beating the hep. The cirrohsis is staying. I am still a sober man and same for the wife. The reason they are waiting till Nov is I had to get the scope up the backside and down the throat. No problems there. I had to see a shrink to make sure I was mentally stable because of the effects of the drugs. I also had to see my doctor that did my brain surgery. Seems I cant take my dilantin for my sezuries while on treatment. There is also a class I have to take. The one thing my GI said is that the reason I am a candidate for treatment is that I have stayed away from the bottle and my blood has improved alot and I have shown no signs of my liver swelling or acting up. Since I have cirrohsis I have to have a biopsy every six months for life to check for cancer. I know there is some misspelling, I apologize. I also hope all of you the best of luck. See ya, Cary
Post Edited (15-2) : 9/10/2012 8:51:56 AM (GMT-6)