Thanks for the comforting words. Week didn't get better. Two of my horses coliced and one died from it. Broke my heart. I've been really sick with a nasty cold and flu and we have wind of 40-60 mph. Aaagh.
I wish wish wish I was more empathetic to my hubby. He is trying so hard to help around the place, but I see my horses don't get the care and attention because I am busy taking care of him and I'm angry (at myself I guess) that I can't do a better job at everything. Feels like I'm not doing anything well, just struggling to get the very basic things done. (Food bought, untilities on, clean up, meds, Dr. appt and do it all again.)
I wish I wasn't so critical of what he does help with, but lots of times it doesn't seem to make sense and makes a lot more work for me. Wish I could see things from your perspective and feel like I want to do all these things, instead of them being just a crushing chore.
Reread this and I do sound like a whiner tonight..I guess all the emotions just won't quell. Hurt, anger, pain, loneliness, crushing amount of work. My husband seems to be handling this much better than me at this point. I need to do something to help me be a better caregiver.
Thinking of you and hope you are finding comfort.