So sorry to read about your gram and am sending our best for a peaceful exit, if that is where this is headed for her. You are right that you are lucky to be 53 and still have your gram. I would have given anything for another 20 years with mine, she was such an amazing woman. Yours sounds the same.
Wishing for good results for Mark tomorrow. I know the waiting is hard.
I just found out yesterday that my mammogram results were "probably not cancer"...that wasn't the most reassuring letter, but better than it could have been. They suggest another mammo before the annual one, so I'm thinking every 6 months.
Hospice is becoming more helpful...well, especially the volunteers. They are priceless and they do it for no pay and use their own funds "out of pocket." They are sweeties and I look forward to seeing them.
Hubby is now loosing weight..about 3 pounds a week. Doesn't seem to eat much, and I don't push him about it. Hospice got him some meds for the vomiting. He does still walks outside and luckily it's not too cold. He is however, up and around every hour on the hour all night. He gets up and makes food, takes the dog out, walks out to the horse pen, watches movies, reads etc. At first I could sleep through it and now I can't, so I'm waking up every hour all night. I noticed that the last month people come up and say, "you look so tired." ....and I think, "darn, I even put on make up and they still think I look tired. Not much else I can do about it."
I sleep in a sleeping bag on the living room floor, so I can tell when hubby is up and about and if he goes outside. The poor dog is so tired of going outside at night every hour "to potty", that when hubby calls him to go out, dog looks at me like "Oh, no..not again...Tell him I don't have to go." I look at dog and think "Sorry, dog, the first 3 weeks I tried to tell him you don't have to pee every hour all night...but now I'm going to just close my eyes and you will have to go out, lift your leg and pretend to pee." .....and he does!!
This evening I am going to help the local Kiwanis distribute free used books to families that come to the pancake supper after the Christmas Light parade. That sound be a nice break. Tomorrow night garden club member will pick me up and take me to the garden club Christmas dinner. It is really hard for me to get in the "spirit" of the season. I enjoy the Solstice, so will plan a big bonfire for that evening. I have been saving up wood for it. (Hope it's not windy that day.)
One of my friends suggested lavender scent for destressing, so she is going to send me some via mail. Hope it works. Well, am thinking of all you caregivers and ill loved ones and hope the night goes softly for you.