Shelley120861 said...
I was diagnosed with Hep C in 2000. I don't know what's been going on, but it's like I'v
e been in total denial of my condition until now. I have a drinking problem, and continue to drink despite the doct
ors warnings. I had a liver biopsy which showed minimal fibrosis. I have no idea how I caught this, but the physi
cian said according to the biopsy, I've had it for more than 20 years. He seems to think he can cure me with the i
nterferon treatments, but I can't afford to miss any more work for fear of losing my job. I am a single mother wi
th (2) children and cannot afford to have that happen. I have basically no family support. I have a wonderful bo
yfriend, but with me being so ignorant about my condition, it's hard to explain it to him. I have told him about the
possibility of transmission via sex per the recommendation of my physician, as I have others I have been with si
nce my diagnosis. I'm not a gutter drunk, but do drink on a daily basis. I've been getting sick a lot lately, I thin
k simply because of a compromised immune system anyway, plus lack of sleep and too much alcohol. I'm hoping
that I've scared myself enough to make some positive changes. The honest truth is, i'm petrified of dying of this
stuff. I'm scared of the damaged that's been done since I was diagnosed just (4) years ago. I haven't been bac
k to the doctor, but am in the process of making an appointment. Is is normal to avoid facing the reality of this or
to "downplay" this diagnosis? I was afraid to write because of the negative feedback I may receive, but I'm despe
rate at this point. I've heard some good things about herbs and milkweed (?). Has anyone used any of these? An
y comments/suggestions are welcome. Thank all of you for listening!
Hello Shelly,
Nice to meet you, to answer your question, I think alot of us go into denial at first, then when reality of it all sets
in, we are simply scared to no ends, the thought of possibly loosing my husband wasn't an option, I got myself
together, started learning all I could about
the disease, got into a wonderful support group that is for caregivers or
anyone that wants to visit and post and fill comfort, on days they think they can't go any longer, through this, we have
all become stronger, having someone to lean on, along with getting educated on the disease, one has to come to terms
with this yes, BUT, a vast majority die with it than from it, drinking and treatment, doesn't mix, Drs simply won't treat if one isn't
willing to stop the alcohol, it can cause the disease to progress even faster, although it is normally a very slow
progressive disease, treatment can be hard on some, then again, some have very little side effects, Drs don't
know why it works that way, it just does, I have been in many and still continue to go to my group support forums, there
we are one family, fighting this disease together, sharing our love with the ones that are in need of comfort,
and shar our thoughts and emotions with each one, we have cried together, laughted together, and we pass out
alot of tender loving hugs, and warm heartfelt posts to each other, words of encouragement, had it not been for
all my online friendships I have made over the years, God only knows where I would be today, please feel free
to join us @ for caregivers, start getting educated, it can be pretty overwhelming at first,
so try not to take it all in at once, REMEMBER, you're not alone in your new journey you are about
to start,
let us help you through your trying times ahead, take care, Sincerely Patty